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Chris Keil and Jenny Grainer – Writers in Tavira – Follow up

Chris Keil and Jenny Grainer came to Tavira to read in the not to be missed bookshop A Lura dos Livros.  Both writers have a passion for their work.   Jenny writes regularly for the Algarve Resident and has written for the Portugal News.  Her latest article about the recent tornado and the aftermath is…

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Chris Keil – Author reading and workshop

Chris Keil is coming to Tavira in December! He has kindly agreed to do a reading at Lura dos Livros on Monday 3rd December. He is also going to run a writing workshop on Tuesday 4th December 10am -1pm The workshop will cover, how he writes, how to write narrative, dialogue and much much more, also lots of tips and ideas!! After the workshop…

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Day 3 Paraty

On Day 3, I attended a mix bag of sessions.  The first session celebrated the poems of Drummond.  In the next session Stephen Greenblatt and James Shapiro, shared their love of Shakespeare.  Later in the day, Granta provided the space for two British writers to reflect on what being British means.  Two Middle Eastern writers…

Poetry and Ageing

The UK Poet Laureate, Carol Anne Duffy, has invited some of the better known poets, to reflect on ageing.  Speaking in the Guardian on Saturday, she says, “Our Society. I believe, is turning gradually away from its obsession with “yoof” and “slebs”. “We are beginning to realise that we face, at the very least, an…