Mobility plan – consultation document
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Mobility plan – consultation document

I am working my way through the 98 page Mobility Plan for Tavira. I have already sent in a response before the deadline of 21st March. But now because the deadline was extended after the protest outside the Camara I plan to rework my response into something much more coherent and considered. Jim and I…

Are the community gardens in Tavira under threat? – Voicing your concerns
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Are the community gardens in Tavira under threat? – Voicing your concerns

I was contacted by the association ACTIVE ECOTOPIA to translate documents and help spread the message about a possible threat to the Community Gardens in Tavira. Jim and I were part of the protest a few years ago to save the historic Agricultural Centre in Tavira where the Community Gardens are now flourishing.I have translated…

Solar and Cuba
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Solar and Cuba

Electricity has occupied my thoughts in the last week. Solar electricity and charging stations to be more accurate. To help the planet, we invested in an electric car, mainly because we are more or less 100% solar at home. Last week, we took off through the dry, red Alentejo countryside to Evora – a Roman…

Cambodia: the circus and plastic – Eco-tourism
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Cambodia: the circus and plastic – Eco-tourism

I have fallen in love with Cambodia. We have been here for over two weeks, and I feel rejuvenated in a way that I find difficult to understand or articulate. I am trying to work out why Cambodia has enlivened my spirit. The intense oranges and greens of the landscape and the solid temples, mixed…

Sri-Lanka – Edward Lear Prize for poetry – winning poems
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Sri-Lanka – Edward Lear Prize for poetry – winning poems

With kind permission of the Edward Lear Prize for poetry, here are the 2017 winning poems. Winning Poem by Ashwin Dias The Funny People of Sri Lanka  There was a young woman from Galle Who’s name no one could recall Whomever she metHer name they’d forget The pretty young woman from Galle There was an…

Sri Lanka – Edward Lear Prize for Poetry
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Sri Lanka – Edward Lear Prize for Poetry

Edward Lear was a 19th Century English artist, illustrator, musician, author and poet. He is known mostly for his literary nonsense poems and prose and especially his limericks. His poetry takes an irreverent view of the world. Lear’s nonsense poems delight in the sounds of words, both real and imaginary. A stuffed rhinoceros becomes a…

Sri Lanka – Galle Fort Literary Festival begins
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Sri Lanka – Galle Fort Literary Festival begins

An evening of culture, featuring an extravaganza of dance and movement opened the Galle Fort Literary Festival in Sri Lanka. Guests sat in front of an iridescent red stage, while a crowd of onlookers stood behind newly erected barriers as an orchestra played music. Dressed in traditional costumes performers from the army, airforce and navy,…