Community Garden Visit Spain
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Community Garden and Mobility Plan Update

Yesterday, 13 April I was blessed (I am not sure that is the right word) but anyway it was a gift, to be able to go to visit Community Gardens in Spain. I will do a separate blog post and add more photos and write about the trip tomorrow. But for now the important message…

Raised metal bed
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Water, Water, not everywhere

It is raining so I am writing. Jim made a spreadsheet of our water bills yesterday and we talked about what we could do to reduce our consumption, which includes encouraging people who visit to use less water. Tavira Verde is switching off our second water meter on April 10. From June 1st through to…

Galle Fort Festival Opening Elephant
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Sri Lanka – Galle Fort Literary Festival begins

An evening of culture, featuring an extravaganza of dance and movement opened the Galle Fort Literary Festival in Sri Lanka. Guests sat in front of an iridescent red stage, while a crowd of onlookers stood behind newly erected barriers as an orchestra played music. Dressed in traditional costumes performers from the army, airforce and navy,…

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Waking up this blog – by telling stories

I have been neglecting this blog, which I think on reflection is a bit of a mistake. I have spent the summer of 2014 reading, writing, recording and taking photos, which is a luxury not offered to many. Not all of my writing is appropriate for the readers of this blog. But the books and some of the adventures…