As 2009 fades away

Over the years, I have often been glad to see the end of difficult years and the start of a new year.  This last year, however, has been so good in so many ways, I feel as though a few more days would not go amiss.  I spent three hours this morning potting up tomatoes, peppers, cauliflowers,…

Drinkwater: A Sobering Tale About A Medieval Knight by Otto Scamfer

This is a well written engaging book.The author tries but I am not sure, wholly succeeds in writing in the language and style of the period within which the book is set.  Love, comradeship, danger and alcohol abound as the hero discovers himeslf.  The story however whilst being predictable is enjoyable and a quick read….

Books for Christmas?

The Guardian website has a list of books that various authors are recommending, from this year.  Here is the list. Hilary Mantel recommends MJ Hyland’s This Is How (Canongate).  Mantel argues that “Maria Hyland is like no one else writing today; her work is spare, ungiving, a challenge.   At the same time, it is deeply humane”.  MJ…

Publish it yourself

Some technologies are allowing writers to publish their work at no cost. Authors can use Amazon’s Digital Text Platform and upload their work for Kindle download in seconds.   Smashwords, is another publishing medium. that allows authors to upload their work for purchasing in multiple electronic formats. It’s easy. It’s quick and cuts out the middle layer of publishing. …


It is lonely having a second life

I received an email via a community informatics list.  The author is c.wagner BBC News Magazine just published an interesting article about the fading interest in Second Life. If corroborates what many of us Second Life users have experienced already, namely that it’s pretty lonely out there in Second Life. See I don’t think…