Festival of the Tree – Transition Tavira

Transition Tavira is part of an international movement to encourage sustainable use of local land, as well as a way of creating community gardens. Some groups use Permaculture methods and or organic practices. The group in Tavira have been working on some land near Santa Rita, for a few months. The land was provided by Tavira Camara, for their use, for 5 years. The group in Tavira is made up of all nationalities. They have enthusiastically organised a festival called the “Festival of the Tree” and it will take place from March 22 to 24 in Tavira and Mata de Santa Rita. Aviram Rozin (Sadhana Forest) Auroville, India is coming to share water preservation techniques and much more.
Aviram Rozin video on YouTube[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8wKqzsDCLM]
The festival is over three days with events taking place in the library as well as in the open air. The programme is:
Friday, 22 March starting at 19:30h
Conference with Aviram Rozin
Location: Municipal Library Alvaro de Campos, Tavira
Saturday, 23 March from 10h until 12:30h, 14:30h until 16:30h
Workshop about sustainability and transition with Aviram Rozin
Location: Municipal library Alvaro de Campos, Tavira
Sunday, 24 March from 11:00h until 17:30h

Celebration with meditation and Qi Gong, Live Music, Street animation, Workshops, Yoga, Land Art, and various construction projects: Spiral of herbs, insect hotel, opening of a work exchange bank, planting.
Location: Mata de Santa Rita
For more information: geral@taviraemtrasicao.com
www.permaculturaportugal.ning.com (grupo: tt-tavira-em-transicao)
faceBook: Tavira Em Transição