November – Writers and Art in Tavira
A group of Swedish writers are in Tavira this week, 12-19 November 2016. The group are called “Magic – writers without boundaries.” Led by Barbara Fellgiebel from Algarve Friends and Literature Association some of them will be peforming their work along with local writers at Tavira Library on Wednesday 16 November (6:30 doors open for 7pm start).
Jazz music on piano will welcome people to this International literary event.
The Portuguese writer and poet Casimiro de Brito will be present.
At the start of the evening, local actor Vitor Correia, will perform work by Fernando Pessoa. A screening of a recent dance performance by Ingela Karlsson from Sweden will be shown during the evening
Local novelist Barbara-Marie Mundt, has agreed to read two poems. She has recently completed a new novel “Die Salzwiesen” (salt marsh) which is the name of the book’s (fictional) river settlement.
Members of ALFA Algarve Friends and Literature Association will also perform.
Three friends accompanied by guitar will sing songs by Bob Dylan who has recently been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Come along and enjoy this multi-dimensional evening.
Also this week starting Monday 14 November at 18:00, an art exhibition opens at Casa das Artes in Tavira. The exhibition will display the work created by young people from the Escola Secundária Dr. Jorge Augusto Correia as part of the Álvaro de Campos festival. The exhibition includes work prepared in class and engravings resulting from a recent Bartolomeu dos Santos Workshop. The exhibition will be open until the 30 November, Monday to Friday, between 17:00 and 20:00.
Thanks to Tavira Camara for the use of the library.