Whisky Galore Fundraiser- Help Tavira artists to perform in Glasgow!
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Whisky Galore Fundraiser- Help Tavira artists to perform in Glasgow!

Tavira and Glasgow have a cultural connection that is about to become even more potent. In 2019 two Scottish poets performed in Tavira, together with their Portuguese colleagues, and this year the event will take place in Glasgow. Unfortunately, there is not enough money for travel and hotels. From the total costs of € 6.000…

Drought, World Water Day and Saharan dust
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Drought, World Water Day and Saharan dust

On World Water Day, 22 March, the Municipality of Tavira sent out details of a new awareness and information campaign entitled “Water is Life, but it can End.“ I was puzzled at first because this theme is taken from the Lakota phrase “Mní wičhóni” “Water is Life” which was the protest anthem from Standing Rock….

Cachopo, the windmill, wild flowers, the earthstar and the stones
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Cachopo, the windmill, wild flowers, the earthstar and the stones

Some days I just want to bottle moments of joy. That not being possible, on International Women’s Day 2024, I decided to start recording the events of a magical day from earlier in the week. Four women had a mission, an electric car, which I drove and the sun on our backs. You could call…

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Books, London Book Fair and Tavira reading “flash mob”

A couple of years ago a few book enthusiasts organised an event for young people at the Library in Tavira.  The idea was that children of different cultures would come together and share their favourite books and read in their own language from those books.  Children practiced their reading aloud to an audience and each other and…