Cadbury’s, Kraft takes it and covers it in ?

Cadbury’s, Kraft takes it and covers it in ?

Cadburys – Kraft takes it and covers it in? 1968, Cadbury’s, green grassy banks, packed lunches and school friends.  19 January 2010, husband, greenhouse, twitter and tapas lunch.  Memories and reality collided in the pit of my stomach today, as it was announced that Cadbury’s had accepted the takeover deal from Kraft.  Shareholders have till…


It is lonely having a second life

I received an email via a community informatics list.  The author is c.wagner BBC News Magazine just published an interesting article about the fading interest in Second Life. If corroborates what many of us Second Life users have experienced already, namely that it’s pretty lonely out there in Second Life. See I don’t think…