Algarve Green Lives Survey
Many people move to the Algarve to live healthier lives. Many Portuguese have enjoyed the benefits of growing their own for centuries. It is not however always easy to find organic produce or shops that sell health foods. For example where can you get goats milk in Tavira? Is there such a thing as a LET’s scheme in the Algarve? I am gathering information to create a guide to healthy living in the Algarve. The first part of the guide is looking at health food shops and growers. Please help develop this guide by completing a short survey and email it to me.
Green Lives in the Algarve, Portugal
Thank you for helping with this survey. You are entitled to a copy of Green Lives in the Algarve for completing this short survey.
Health Food Shops & Supermarkets
Please state the name and adress along with any other information about any health food shops you use in the Algarve
Please state the name and adress along with any other information about any supermarkets, that you know of, or use, that selll organic/health food type produce in the Algarve
Local Growers
Please state any information you may have about local growers
Organic Y/N
Kinds of produce
Email address / Tel Number
Green Lives will be sent by email