cobra voadora
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Literary and Philosophical Cafe Friday 9 November

It is that time of year again, a time of celebration in Tavira when events and workshops mark a birthday. It is when artists and creative people come together to recall the work of Fernando Pessoa and his heteronym Álvaro de Campos. This year the birthday party takes place without the financial support of Algarve…

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Leading from the future as it emerges – U-lab course

Jim and I have recently become interested in taking a course called U-lab and fortunately the course is going to happen in Tavira.How cool is that? The U-lab course created by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is being rolled out across Portugal beginning in April 2018 and Tavira is on the list for it to…

FairCoop Zoom Meeting

FairCoop and FairCoin – a global zoom call

The spoken English language occasionally creates a nuance that is amusing. In English, a fair cop is slang for being arrested when you know and admit you have done something illegal. But FairCoop is not anything to do with a fair cop, even though that is how it phonetically sounded in the meeting I attended…

cylinder volcano planting
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Sunday – planting trees in the Mata forest, near Tavira

Around twenty people came to the Mata forest, near Tavira, (including one family with two small children) to plant trees on Sunday, 26 November. Young people and some people with years behind them mingled and worked together on a warm morning and into the afternoon. Around seven nationalities were represented, including Portuguese, Italian, German, Belgium,…

Tree planting
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Planting trees for resilience – Sunday 26 November 2017

Five years ago a group of enthusiastic people, some dreamers, some with solid plans and hopes came together in a forest near Tavira, to plant trees. Some brought along their skills. Others brought tools and labour. The idea was born out of a small community group of friends who wanted to be part of a…

NESI Mirror
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NESI – The mysterious consciousness called happiness

How do you measure happiness is the question in the back of my mind as I interview Felipe Viveros, European Representative of the Bhutan Gross Happiness project. Originally from Chile, now living in the UK, Felipe outlined a narrative that is fascinating some in the Western world. Felipe is a writer and an ecologist with…


NESI – Interview with Jonathan Dawson – Schumacher College

‘It is all a question of story’ – Thomas Berry It was the possibility of a new narrative that captured my imagination when deciding to attend the New Economy Forum in Spain in April 2017. The journey to the conference took just over three hours from my home on a hill in southern Portugal. Leaving…

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Thinkers and Doers meet in Málaga, Spain for the first Global NESI Forum

What would a sustainable world involve? Can it be achieved? Should we leave it to politicians and corporate interests to determine our future? If you are a thinker and doer and want to be part of the process of finding solutions to some big issues, NESI may be for you. On 19th-22nd April, Málaga (Spain)…

Books in Lotus Cafe Battambang Cambodia
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Cambodia: the circus and plastic – Eco-tourism

I have fallen in love with Cambodia. We have been here for over two weeks, and I feel rejuvenated in a way that I find difficult to understand or articulate. I am trying to work out why Cambodia has enlivened my spirit. The intense oranges and greens of the landscape and the solid temples, mixed…